The 2023 Holiday Gift Guides continue with the Gift Guide for Toddlers!
And I can promise you, this gift guide has been toddler-approved. As a work from home mom, my 4 year old (Is he still considered a toddler? No, right? But, close enough I guess.) is almost always checking out when I’m working on. While I was creating this guide, he looked over my shoulder more than a few times and asked for the item to be added to his Christmas list. Safe to say I nailed it! 😉

(The Holiday Gift Guide for Toddlers contains affiliated links.)

1. WAVING DINO MITTENS | No one told me how hard it would be to make toddlers wear mittens. WHY? So, maybe if they’re super cute and fuzzy, he’ll actually want to wear them.
2. SWEET DREAMS MOON BANK | I love gifting banks when my friends have babies.
3. MAGNA TILES CONSTRUCTION SET | My 4 year old loves Magna Tiles, and he was so exited when he saw this Magna Tiles construction set. It’ll be under the tree for my boy.
4. UGG BOOTIES | Because they’re nothing cuter than a little toddler toddling around in little Ugg boots.
5. ART EASEL | All 3 of my kids have loved this art easel. It’s a great way to contain the mess and let them be creative.
6. THOMAS & FRIENDS MULTI-LEVEL TRAIN SET | Again, my sweet boy has this train set on his list. He leads, I follow.
7. NUMBERS NESTING BLOCKS | If you’re still holding tight to the rule of no plastic or primary colors (you’re my hero), then these numbers nesting blocks are for you. I mean, for your toddler.
8. CONSTRUCTION PLATE + UTENSILS | This plate set was a best seller of last year’s Gift Guide for Toddlers! Make eating fun.
9. BUTTERFLY DRESS UP COSTUME | We’re a big dress up household, and my girls still play with the costumes they had when they were toddlers.
10. BABY BEAR HOODIE | Stop. The ears. The coziness. I can’t.
11. HUMMINGBIRD DOLL HOUSE | Tell me this dollhouse doesn’t look like one that your kids will pass down to their kids and so on. Right?
12. SHAPE-SORTING GROCERY CART | Toddlers love to push things, so you might as well have them push this cute little grocery cart.
13. AUDI RIDE ON CAR | Another item on Gray’s list.
14. BOMBAS SOCKS | We can’t get enough of our favorite socks. I always buy them for every member of the family every holiday. They’re the only socks that my toddler will happily wear.
15. TRICYCLE | A chic tricycle! Who knew??
16. PLAY KITCHEN | Fine, I chose this kitchen because I love the look of it and it wouldn’t be a complete eye sore in our playroom. Yes, I am that mom. Some of the time.