Hi, sweet friends! I’m taking a break from scouring Instagram for posts from Teresa’s wedding (THAT HAIR OMG) to bring you a new trend! And by new, I mean old because balloon jeans are back, baby…
(This post contains affiliated links.)
Let’s talk about balloon jeans. I know, I know. If you’re a fellow Gen X-er, I know what you’re thinking. We’ve been here before. We’ve done the baggy leg, tapered ankle look. And yes, like me, you too might be having flashbacks to 7th grade and Salon Selectives hairspray and Hypercolor shirts and daydreaming that Jordan Knight will somehow show up on your doorstep and magically fall in love with you. Wait. What?
But maybe this time is different. Maybe we can actually look cute in our baggy jeans. See them in action below…
There are a lot of balloon jeans out there, but I’m loving this pair. They’re on sale for $25! I am wearing my normal size.
Where can I get the balloon jeans shown?
They’re linked in the post! Below the video.