Happy Monday, sweet friends! Baby Gray turned 6 months old last week and I can’t keep up. These months are flying by way faster, it seems, than ever before.
Stay tuned for a HUGE sleep training post tomorrow…
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Baby boy has been working on his rolls and he’s getting so squishy! We haven’t had his 6 month appointment yet, but I’ll know the height and weight specifics this week. He’s almost out of his 3-6 month sleepers.
Yep, still going! I swear, this is always how it goes: I start with a goal of 3 months. Then 6 months. Then I extend it again to 9 months. And then decide that since we made it to 9 months, we might as well go all the way to 12 months.
He’s started taking a bottle! There was a little bit of a learning curve, but now he’s off and running. I had an all day event in the city a few weeks ago and knew that he was going to have to get with it. Thankfully, he did. Since I didn’t have much breastmilk saved, he took formula and it worked out well.
Baby boy was totally ready to eat! For about a month now, every time I have food in my hand or he sees one of us eating, he will reach out and try to grab it and then start making chewing motions. It’s so cute and a sure sign that he’s ready.
I’m starting with pureed veggies – green beans, broccoli, peas, etc. and then will move onto carrots, apples, and the sweeter stuff. I did give him rice cereal, but I’m trying to focus more on vegetables.
I’m not doing Baby Led Weaning – I just know from my last 2 babies that it freaks me out too much. I will give him foods like pasta, avocado and banana when he starts crawling. He’s not there yet.
We’re slooooooowly getting into a routine. I’d still call it more of a rhythm than a routine. And really, since he’s the third baby I feel like we’re never going to be on a strict routine.
I’ll share more specifics about our routine when he’s a bit older, but for now it looks like this: Sleep, nurse, play, nurse again (maybe) and sleep.
I’ve been sharing the nitty gritty about sleep over on my Instagram Stories each morning. And if you follow along, you know that we’ve been sleep training. EEEEEK. I hate even typing those words.
Since there’s SO much that goes into it, TOMORROW I am going to share a whole blog post detailing how I sleep trained (slept trained?) him and tips if you’re getting ready to do the same.
We graduated from Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuit and he’s now in this Nested Bean Sleep Sack.

He found his toes and it’s just as cute as I remember it being. He hasn’t put them in his mouth yet, but I know that’s next.
He’s rolling easier now – front to back and also back to front. He’ll be playing on his mat in the family room and I’ll go into the kitchen to grab something and when I come back, he’s off the mat and on the carpet. It’s starting and I don’t think I’m ready…
He’s trying SO hard to sit – those little abs are working overtime. For now, he likes chilling in the laundry basket. 🙂
His bottom teeth FINALLY peeked through! He’s been working on those for a few months now. While I miss his gummy smile, I’m not sure there’s anything in the whole world more adorable than those 2 little teeth.
Find more Baby Gray updates here!