Happy Sweet Edit, sweet friends!
Now that Halloween is over, does that mean we can bring out all the red and green? I’m SO ready. I’m proudly that girl who blasts Christmas tunes as soon as we turn the page to November.
The blog was a bit quiet this week because, well…where do I start? It started Sunday. I was at a dear friend’s baby shower and started to feel pretty awful. So, I scooped up Evy and we headed home, where I promptly collapsed into bed. (Shout out to the Mister for taking over.) I’ve been under the weather all week, and baby girl has been right there with me. Harper and the Mister have escaped most of it, which is amazing and he totally chalks up to their superior immune systems.
Then, late Monday night, we lost our power and were without it for almost 24 hours. Let me tell you how completely grateful I am for a warm home with lights and coffee and all of the things we take for granted every single day.
OK, that’s enough of that. It’s Friday morning and things are looking up. We’ve got a weekend with ZERO plans ahead of us (I mean, with the exception of a whole lot of Christmas music dance parties in the kitchen).
Happy Friday, friends. Stop by on Monday for the first Gift Guide of the season! WOOHOO.
(This post contains affiliated links.)
Eeeeeek! The best fall sale is here. The good stuff goes quickly, so hop to it. (Today’s Favorite Under $50 Finds are all from the sale. Head to the bottom of the post to see! I’ll also be sharing the rest of my picks with you in a blog post tomorrow….)
(I can’t resist sharing this deal with you. A classic fall staple.)
OK, and this one. When you talk about PPW (price per wear), these are a no-brainer. (Now you know how my husband feels.)
The cardigan feels so good I can’t even imagine how cozy this is.
This makes me feel like I need to be doing more with my life. (And now I’m hungry.)
We just replaced our old kitchen stools with these and couldn’t be happier. And the price! So good.
Find more of the Sweet Edit series here!