Oh, you guys. Insert all of the cliche mama feelings about time passing too quickly and not believing that it’s already time for a 9 month update and wishing I could pause it all for a second or two. Because it’s true. And then some.
It’s so funny how quickly things happen with the second child. I swear, the first year of Harper’s life felt sooooooo long. Maybe it was because I was freaked out all the damn time, but the weeks and months just dragged.
This time around, it’s completely different. I feel like I can’t keep up. I feel like it’s all passing me by and I’m doing all I can to devour every little babyhood morsel because I know all too well that it’ll be gone before I know it.
Excuse me while I go cry in my coffee….
(This post contains affiliated links.)

bodysuit | ruffle butt pants | headband (very similar here) | monthly milestone blanket

We are still breastfeeding, but I also introduced formula last month. I was having a hard time getting her to nurse successfully before bed. She was always way too distracted and wanted to play, and it was starting to get stressful. So of course, the more I stressed about it, the harder it became. Now, I still try to nurse her before her “dinner,” but if she doesn’t take much, I don’t fret. I’ll give her 6-8 oz of formula in her straw cup (just like Harper, she skipped the sippy cup and went right to the straw cup). I haven’t noticed much of a drop in my milk supply yet, but I know it’s coming.
This girl loves to eat. I haven’t found much she doesn’t like, except scrambled eggs. She’s getting tired of the pouches and would much rather eat real food. Some of her favorites so far are avocados, bananas, cooked carrots and apples, greek yogurt, sweet potatoes and pasta. I’ve been letting her try whatever I’m eating (and if I don’t she will wail her head off). She’s constantly searching for food, which is pretty funny because with a three year old in the house, she can almost always find something on the floor to eat. Sometimes it’s even edible.
This one is still a crapshoot. This past week has been rough because we’ve both had colds, so that has disrupted her sleep. I got the go ahead from our Pediatrician to give her Benadryl and that has helped get us through a couple of really rough (and snotty) nights.
Overall, her sleep patterns still remain a mystery. Some nights she wakes up once, others it’s 3 times. Sometimes her first wake up is at 1:30AM, the next it’s 10:30PM. I can’t figure it out! I’ve tried to make the connection between naps and nighttime sleep, but that doesn’t fly, either. If naps are bad, she can still have a good night’s sleep.
She is trying to walk! And I’m trying to get her to slow down, but she’s just not having it. She pulls herself up on anything and everything and we’ve had more than a couple bangs and bumps and tears. I’m guessing we’ll have a walker within the next month. EEEEK. I’m SO not ready.
She’s started clapping and it’s the cutest thing EVER. Every time she does it she looks super proud of herself, with the cheesiest smile on her face. It makes my heart hurt (in a good way).
She’s trying so hard to talk! I swear she says “hi” and “yay,” but isn’t it too soon??
She’s sleeping in this cozy sleeper. Add it to the list of items that used to be her big sister’s.
Dusted this off to help her start to take those first steps.
Baby moccs to match her big sister’s. Swoon.
My mom bought these rattle socks for her and she’s obsessed!
This little book keeps her busy for at least 15 minutes (which is a LIFETIME).
Find more baby girl updates here!
Hi Suzanne,
Thank you so much for this post. My daughter is 9 month old as I struggle to take her milestone blanket photo. I stumble across this post. Love it so much. Thank you for sharing everything and making me feel normal!!!
— C.C.