It’s like it was meant to be. This scarf magically arrived on my doorstep yesterday. (And by magically, I mean: I went to the website, found the scarf, chose what color I wanted, clicked on it to put it in my shopping bag, gave the nice website my credit card number and voila. 4 days later it showed up. If that’s not magic, I don’t know what is.)
And now, my toddler is napping which means I can put together a last-minute blog post to share with you how pretty damn awesome this scarf is.
Like I said: meant to be.
You might think I’m crazy for doing a post on a scarf. But, hear me out…
It sold out very quickly last year, so I missed out. And I kept seeing it everywhere. It’s like it was fall fashion haunting me. Every time I caught a glimpse of it, with its perfect length and those pretty fringes, my style-loving heart hurt a little bit. I vowed to myself I would never let that happen again. Next time, I would be quicker. And I knew, somewhere in the back of my mind, that we would be united.
You guys.
Today was that day.
I’m getting a little choked up now, so I think I should go eat some dark chocolate. I’ll leave you with some pics of my scarf and me. Two peas in a cozy pod.
(This post contains affiliated links.)

See? Perfection.
scarf (comes in 5 colors)| tee ($10!)| denim
Find more fall style inspiration here!
I’m in love with this! Super cute!!