

Birth Story | Baby Everly is Here


February 17, 2017

Wow. Baby girl is 12 days old already. I’m typing up her birth story. Pinch me, because I still stop in my tracks, shocked that I’m no longer pregnant. It all happened so fast…and 17 days early. 

Saturday night we went to Whole Foods and Lowe’s. I was having pretty regular contractions, waddling through the aisles of Lowe’s, trying to keep up with the Mister and H. But still, I’d been having contractions since 16 weeks, so I really thought nothing of it. 

Superbowl Sunday morning came and I had ZERO energy. We had planned to take photos and go out to lunch, and I could barely muster up enough energy to shower and get dressed. (Thankfully, I did.)

Still not ready to get going with our day, Harper and I were snuggling in bed (eating jalapeno tortilla chips – YUM), and my contractions started getting stronger. Still, it didn’t occur to me that I was going into labor… 

Then, my water broke. And I freaked. 

Pretty sure that was the quickest I moved during my whole pregnancy. I sprang out of bed and tried to get my stuff together (in between moments of panic that there was a BABY coming soon).

I was about 64.7% ready. I thought I had 3 more weeks. Or, at least 2. So, it took us about an hour to get ready. I was running around like a crazy woman (yes, while my water was breaking), and the Mister was getting his and H’s bags packed, too. It was a bit chaotic. 

When we were finally ready, around noon, we dropped H off at our friends’ house, and headed to the hospital. We were still shell-shocked and couldn’t believe this was IT. IT was happening. NOW. 

Once we got checked into Labor & Delivery, things settled down. I was having contractions, but they weren’t that regular and still not very strong. They warned me that if things didn’t pick up, I would have to have Pitocin. Just hearing that word scared me, since I’d had it with Harper. I wanted to avoid it if at all possible, so I started walking the halls of the hospital. 

This was one of those sweet moments I’ll never forget. My husband and I, walking hand in hand, talking about how our lives were about to change, and wondering what our baby girl would be like. Would she have his blue eyes? Would she have my hands? Would she look like her big sister? 

Well, walking did the trick. My contractions were coming hot and heavy now, and I was doubled over in pain just about every 3-4 minutes. 

We headed back to the room, and my mom arrived shortly after. Now, it was a party. The Superbowl was getting ready to start, we were having a baby and all was right in the world. 

I mean, except for the excruciating pain. 

The Doctor came in and checked me and I was 2 cm dilated. That’s it. So, off we went. On another walk. 

Again, more pain and a whole lot of contractions. I was certain she was coming soon. I mean, these contractions had to be doing something, right? 

Not really.

About an hour later, they checked me again. 3 cm. Damn. 

I wasn’t totally against an epidural, but for some reason I thought I could do it on my own. That if I didn’t have Pitocin this time, I could do it med-free. But, apparently I was wrong. I threw in the towel. I wanted the drugs. 

So, my favorite people came in and stuck a needle in my spine and made all my pain go away. I also couldn’t feel anything from the waist down, but hey. I was a little loopy and a lot happy. 

I dozed while the Mister watched the Superbowl. It was glorious and probably the best rest I’d had in 9 months. 

Around 6, my mom headed to pick H up and wait for the babysitter to get to our house so she could come back, hopefully in time for the big show.

Atlanta was kicking booty, New England was losing horribly, and our family was about to grow by one little girl. Life was sweet.

Then, it was the 4th quarter, Atlanta had given up the lead, and I felt pressure. Like, it’s GO TIME pressure. I told the Mister to call for the nurse.

She came, checked me and said “Yep, I see her.”


Apparently, things can change pretty quickly in childbirth (and football). 

And suddenly, this major life event I had been counting down to since seeing that second pink line in early June was just moments away.

I wasn’t ready. 

How was our life about to change? How could I love anyone as much as I loved H? How could I handle 2 kids? 

I started crying, and there he was. My husband was right by my side, ready to comfort me and tell me how strong I was and that he was proud of me. 

The game went into overtime and I went into labor. 

I held my breath, closed my eyes and pushed. When I opened my eyes, my mom was standing right next to me, tears streaming down her face. She made it. 

After 2 more pushes and a New England touchdown, I was holding the most perfect, tiniest little person I’d ever seen.

And just like that, our family was complete. 

Heading to the hospital to give birth

Heading to the hospital. Harper’s unsure what to think…

Birth story, in labor

A quick selfie before the contractions take over.

Birth story, in labor

Walking the halls. 

Baby girl is here

She’s here!

Birth story, baby girl is here
Birth story, baby girl is here
Birth story, baby girl is here
Birth story, baby girl is here

My questions are answered. It all makes sense. 

Find baby girl updates here!

  1. Jen says:

    Congratulations – it sounds like a beautiful birth story! You are such a strong mama! Everly is just perfect and Harper looks so excited to be a big sister. Having a sister myself, and seeing my daughters be sisters … there is just something about that bond. So happy for you that you’ll experience that yourself!

  2. Amanda says:

    I have been watching for “the” story. What a wonderful experience for the whole family. I know your life will be full of joy watching Harper and Everly. Never a dull moment!

  3. Amy W. says:

    That final photo (and your caption) … frame worthy.
    Your story is so beautiful!

  4. val says:

    Beautiful pics and story. I totally cried before I started to push with my second, too. It’s so overwhelming! I’m so glad all went well and your girl is here safe and sound <3

  5. Awwww I have been waiting for this post ever since you first shared that picture of E. She is precious, and I am so glad you had a healthy labor! Congratulations, Momma!

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