

Recipes | Best Of 2016


December 30, 2016

The BEST OF 2016 series continues! This time, it’s all about the delicious recipes that I totally can’t take credit for, because most of them have been in my family for a generation or two. 

(I mean, who are we kidding. This is just an excuse for this pregnant lady to look at photos of food and get to bakin’. Because I’m never not hungry these days.)

I try to keep it a good balance of healthy recipes, with something to satisfy  your my sweet tooth thrown in. Which is pretty much how I live life. I like the 80/20 rule. 80% of the time I’m on my game and eating a lot of greens, protein and whole grains. 20% of the time I have chocolate for dinner. (But of course, that whole thing goes out the window when I’m pregnant. In winter. Over the holidays. Eeek.)

I plan to share even more recipes in 2017. What would you guys like to see? More desserts? Or the healthier stuff?? Let me know in the comments below! 

I hope you enjoy the last couple days of 2016. See you next year, sweet people. 🙂


Recipes: overnight oats

Breakfast while you sleep! Overnight Oats. SUPER easy + nutritious. 

Recipes: peanut butter + banana smoothis

My go-to morning peanut butter + banana smoothie – with my little secret ingredient. 

Recipes: cheddar and apple cookies

Cheddar + Apple Oatmeal Cookies. The healthiest cookie on the block. 

Recipes: summer spaghetti

Summer spaghetti. MMMMMMMM. 

Recipes: pumpkin cupcakes

Quick + Easy Pumpkin Cupcakes. Only 2 ingredients! For real. A hit. 

Recipes: oat + raisin scones

Simple Oat + Raisin Scones. A delicious classic. 

Recipes: cranberry orange bread

Cranberry Orange Bread. A holiday (and all year round) favorite.

  1. Ayanna says:

    Yum! I totally agree with the 80/20 rule ;-).

  2. Jilly says:

    Ooohhhh I’ll be trying the oat + raisin scones when I get home!

  3. Those pumpkin muffins sound heavenly! This girl loves anything pumpkin!

  4. Gloryanna says:

    I have made your simple oat and raisin one! It was perfect and my toddler loved it! I have always been one to go with everything in moderation. If I want a piece of cake or a cookie every now and then, I eat it, just as long as it’s not all the time every day! Ahh! Great list! Pinning to! 🙂

  5. Diedre says:

    I would love to see more desserts. I can just make a salad if I want something healthy 🙂

  6. Mmm I can’t pick which one looks the best! That cranberry orange bread sounds right up my alley, and I am digging your overnight oats! Yum 😀

  7. Kim says:

    Yum! My kids would love those scones!!

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