Happy Monday, sweet friends!
I hope you had a happy long weekend. Ours was fun-filled and….well, long. I’m totally ready to get back into the swing of things and into my routine. It’s my happy place.
I haven’t shared a bump update in so long, so today’s 31 week bump update is jam packed! Head to the bottom for an update on my symptoms, energy (what’s that?), weight gain, nursery + nesting finds and more…
(Oh, but first I had to share this $19 leopard kimono because LOVE…)
(This post contains affiliated links.)

I can’t get enough of this leopard kimono. It would look so cute over cut offs or as a swim coverup. It comes in a whole bunch of patterns. I’m wearing small. (Sizes went quickly, but some have been restocked!)

I picked up this round straw bag last year and I’ve gotten so much wear out of it this year, too. It’s a fraction of the price of most of these bags and is so well made.

Well, you guys. The magic and wonder of the second trimester is officially over. This 31 week bump update brings the return of the afternoon/evening nausea (BOO) and I’m pretty much never not exhausted. I’ve been taking a nap everyday and trying to embrace it, rather than think about ALL of the other things I want to be doing.
Rib pain. OMG. I’ve had this with both of my other pregnancies, and it’s back in full force. During my first pregnancy, it was so bad I went to my Dr specifically to ask what the hell was going on. Apparently, my babies are long and they like to kick and bruise my ribs. And WHOA does it hurt. It’s fine during the day if I’m upright, but as soon as I lie down, the pain is excruciating.
Rosacea and melasma. Baby boy has done a number on my skin. With both girls, my skin was the best it’s ever been. This time is definitely different. I’ve never had rosacea until this pregnancy and it sucks! After trying SO many things, I finally found this cleanser that has been the only thing that’s helped. I’m chalking the melasma up to sun exposure during pregnancy and I’m crossing my fingers it gets better after baby.
Lightning crotch. Yep. If you know, you know.
Emotional. Whoa. Real talk: I broke down yesterday. Full on tears and all of the overwhelming emotions that come with them. Thank God for my husband.
Other than that, it’s just the overall discomfort from housing a 4 pound human. (I’m getting ready to be done. Can you tell?)
This boy is on the move! Full on acrobatics going on in there, but I will never complain about that because it really is the best feeling in the entire world. I feel like he’s pretty low, because I can feel him on my cervix quite a bit.
Meh. I’m not really craving anything new these days. I’ve pretty much been eating the same as I do when I’m no pregnant, but with more sweets. Because #treatyoself.
Also, if you read my last Bump Update or if you follow me on Instagram Stories, you know that I gave up meat after watching a documentary. Which really, wasn’t a huge jump for me because I’ve never been a meat-eater. BUT, in the past few weeks, I’ve ben craving meat. Ugh. I feel like Phoebe in Friends when she was pregnant. I’m pretty sure it’s because I’m anemic, so I’ve been trying to listen to my body and give it what it wants, knowing that as soon as this babe is here, I’ll feel back to myself and be able to eat plant-based again.
My favorite topic! Ha. Actually, my weight gain has slowed down. It seems I gain a lot of weight during the First Trimester and part of the Second Trimester, and then it stalls. So far, I’ve gained 38 pounds, which is a lot and above the “recommended amount,” but I’ve held steady at that for the last 3 weeks. So, maybe I won’t hit my 50 pound weight gain after all. And I can tell you, it’s ALL in my ass. Like, all of it.
Well, I’m still going to my Shred classes 3 times a week. My running days are totally over, though. (See Lightning Crotch above.) And don’t think that while I’m waddling on that 6% increase, I’m not thinking that my water is going to break all over that treadmill. Eeek. Also, in the last week or so, the floor HIIT workout has gotten much harder. I’m trying to listen to my body and take it easy by doing the moves off the deck instead of the floor, etc.
Well, I can nap with the best of them. But, my nighttime sleep is pretty sketchy. My restless legs are back, so it takes me awhile to fall asleep. And then, I wake up at least 5 times a night to pee. Thankfully, I can fall back asleep pretty quickly after I pee, so that helps.
Umm, stay tuned on more about this. Because we’ve done…nothing. Oops. Well, I have ordered some the big things and a few decorative items, but the room isn’t near ready.
Here’s what I’ve ordered so far…
Since we donated a lot of our baby stuff when we thought we were done after the girls, I have to pick up some gear. (Darn. Ha.) Also, boy clothes because 2 girls…
Lightening crouch is awful. With my 3rd, my pubic bone felt like it was going to break apart. It got worse as I got further along. By the end the pain was awful and I could barely move without being in extreme pain. I suggest talking with your doctor about spd (extreme pain in the pubic area). There are several things that you can do now to prevent it from getting worse. I wish that I would have spoken up to my dr and asked for a pregnancy belt.