Happy Wednesday, sweet friends! Today’s post is dedicated to working out during pregnancy, because, well, it’s no joke. For real.
Even though this is my third pregnancy, this is my first pregnancy in which I’ve worked out throughout the whole 9-10 months. (Fiiiiiine, I take that back. I took the first 1.5 months off because of the debilitating nausea/sickness and exhaustion.)
But as soon as I could stand upright, I resumed my thrice weekly workout routine. If you’re local, you’ve probably heard of Shred415. It’s a mix of treadmill work and high-intensity impact training on the floor and it’s BRUTAL.
Prior to getting pregnant, I was going to Shred 3 times a week for a few years. I would try to fit in yoga and runs on the other days, but no matter what, I made time for my Shred classes.
Once I got pregnant, I knew I wanted to try my best at keeping up with my workout routine. Why? Not because of the weight or the numbers on the scale. Because when I make the time to work out and sweat, I feel my absolute best. It’s when I feel healthy. And happy.
So, as soon as the nausea improved, I was back at it.
You guys. Things were all different. My heart felt like it was going to explode out of my chest. I couldn’t catch my breath. My feet felt like blocks.
We were 5 minutes into the class and I was walking.
The lesson of grace hit me hard that day. And I’ve been reminded it every step, lunge and drop of sweat since.
I’ve been going consistently three times a week since about 12 weeks. Each class, I’m not sure what to expect. Although, I know I can count on one thing. I will be slower and heavier and, well, just damn hard.
On top of the physical challenge, it’s a mental game, really.
Don’t compare, I remind myself. Don’t compare myself to the woman on the next treadmill who is doubling my speed and my milage. Don’t compare my current pace to how fast I used to run. Don’t compare myself to the 2 other pregnant mamas in the class who don’t seem to be all wobbly and on the verge of simultaneously throwing up and peeing themselves.
I’m not sure what today’s class holds. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to run, or if waddling on a sight incline will be more my speed.
What I do know, is that I’ll show up. Not for the calories burned, the weight lifted or the miles run.
I’ll show up for me…

If you’ve been wanting these leopard APL sneakers, but haven’t gone for them because of the price, today’s your lucky day. I’ve found them in stock and ON SALE! They’ve sold out everywhere and I’m sure they’ll sell out again. They feel like you’re walking on a cloud and are perfect for daily wear or low impact classes.


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