Happy Thursday, sweet friends! OK, before you roll your eyes thinking I am perfect and always stay on track during the holiday season: don’t worry. I’m not going to tell you that I say no to that extra Christmas cookie (I don’t) or that I meal plan (I don’t) or that I never miss a workout (I do).
Here’s the thing: when I workout and eat well, I feel better and I’m happier. It’s as easy as that. And during this wonderful time of year, I want to feel good and I want to be happy. (It’s simple math.)
So, here’s what I do to help stay on track during the holiday season.
(This post contains affiliated links.)

Even though my coffee is what motivates me to get out of bed, I make myself drink a big glass of hot lemon water every morning. I started doing this about 6 months ago, and I highly believe it’s helped me keep on track. It’s such a small and easy thing you can do that will make a huge impact. It really helps jumpstart the digestive tract (TMI?) first thing in the morning. And because I’m not a Dr or a Hot Lemon Water Scientist, you can read about all of the health benefits here.

When I first started Intermittent Fasting earlier this year, I shared my experience in this Q+A post. I promise I will share a full update post after the craziness of the holiday season, but in short I will tell you that YES, I’m still fasting every day (I’m up to 15 hours) and YES I still absolutely LOVE it. I believe that this is the biggest reason I can still eat my dark chocolate and Christmas cookies and not gain the ol’ holiday 5 (or 10) pounds. On most days, I am done eating around 530pm or 6pm and don’t eat again until 830am or 9am the next day. It sounds tough, but I will say it’s THE easiest change I’ve made in my diet that’s made the biggest difference. I don’t miss the 8pm mindless snacking one bit. I love going to bed without feeling stuffed and I swear I sleep better. More info about how I do it coming soon…

Although my diet isn’t as quite on track as it is the rest of the year, I try to keep my fitness as on point as I can, knowing that I’m going to miss workouts (and that’s OK). I aim to workout 5 times a week, and the only way to help make that happen is the schedule my workouts. If I write my workouts in my planner, I’m WAY more likely to do them. I also need to get specific. I need to envision myself doing that certain class or workout. It helps, I promise.

Alright, if you can get through the holiday season without eating treats every single day, more power to you. BUT, I can’t. It’s literally impossible. Oh and guess what? I DON’T WANT TO. Not to mention that anytime I’ve tried to limit myself, it backfires. So, I allow myself treats every day. And you know what? I’ll eat those 3 delish chocolately Christmas treats and I’ll be satisfied. For awhile. Ha.

I know, this is obvious, but I still have to say it. Throughout the day, I try to drink a whole lot of water. Some days I’m better at it than others, but overall I try to drink 3 of these water bottles. (Which, if you need cold water, you need to get this bottle. It keeps my water cold FOREVER, which makes it easier to drink.) Drinking water helps me keep mindless snacking at bay.
All are great tips and totally doable with any schedule! I’m with you on planning too, if I put it on my daily to do list I will check it off. Makes me feel a little accomplished for the day!
Yes! There’s something about writing it down that makes me feel like I have to do it. Thanks for the support, Melyssa! xo
Thank you; appreciate the information within and you taking the time to share it with us…
You look great!
Thanks, Amy! You are so sweet!