Happy October, friends! (How the heck did that happen? Isn’t it still last fall?) Today I’m bringing you the coziest tunic in all the land.
But first, can we talk about something for a second…?
You guys know I love fashion. I like to share my latest finds with you. I like to show you how to style a certain item. I enjoy the challenge of converting trends to every day mama life.
Sometimes, talking about clothes and bags and shoes gets a bit…boring. I mean, how much can I really say? How many times can I say something is super cute and cozy, even when it’s true? (For the record: A LOT of times.)
No, I’m not going to stop sharing my fashions with you. Why? Because I love it. It gives this stay at home mama an excuse to get dressed up and pose in a weird parking lot with a random car.
Fashion has always been a part of me. From an awkward 7th grader who poured over Vogue to the fresh-faced twenty-three year old who walked into Bloomie’s and asked for a job, which turned into a 10 year career. I’ve never not loved all that has to do with fashion and style.
This blog started as a way for me to connect with other mamas who felt like I did when motherhood hit me smack dab in the face: overwhelmed and confused about this new role and if there was any room for my old self.
I’m reminded over and over again that, yes. There’s room for my old self in this crazy motherhood gig. But, more than that, there’s a space carved out for who I have yet to become.
So, I’ll be incorporating more substance into my style posts. Some might seem random and off topic because I’m wild and crazy like that. So whether it’s a postpartum update, motherhood musings, messy mama life stories, or life updates, it’ll probably be about more than a cozy tunic or distressed denim.
I hope you stick around, friends.
(And ps: this tunic is really cozy and perfect. For real. I’ve linked more Free People fall favorites at the bottom of the post.)
EDITED TO ADD: I wrote this post last night, before the horrific events unfolded in Las Vegas. Now, it rings even more true. Things are just things. It’s the people, the hope and the courage to be kind and love big that really, truly matter. Something has to change. Praying for everyone affected and for the humanity of our nation.
(This post contains affiliated links.)

Find more fall style inspiration here!
Thank you for always keeping it real Suzanne. I enjoy your style for sure, but the authenticity behind it even more.
You are so sweet. Thanks for the support, Heidi. XO
Love your blog and your post! I completely agree and love that you incorporate mom life to your fashion post. I’m not a fan a fashion bloggers that just dedicate a whole post to a sweater without talking about anything else. That’s not very fun to read.
Great post and message.
Thrifting Diva
Thank you so much for the support, Ayana!
[…] The Coziest Tunic For Fall (And Thoughts On Being Superficial + Materialistic) […]