

Your Guide To Dry January


January 2, 2023

Happy New Year, sweet friends!

Normally, my first post of the year would be a sales round up and some best sellers, but this year I feel compelled to change it up a bit….

As I’ve shared before, I’ve been sober since January 19, 2020. I stopped drinking and haven’t looked back. I’ve created The Sober Mom Life instagram, which led to The Sober Mom life podcast, a Facebook group (that’s growing every day!) and now a Patreon for bonus episodes and content.


I had no idea the impact my decision almost 3 years ago would have on my life and those around me.

I had no idea how many moms needed to hear someone say: “It’s OK. You can stop. You don’t have to declare yourself powerless. You don’t have to label it.”

If you’re trying Dry January for the first time, or this is your first time experiencing life without alcohol, I’m SO proud of you.

This is just the beginning…

(This post contains affiliated links.)


I spent the first 30 days of my sobriety learning all I could about what alcohol is, what it does to our bodies and minds and what it had stolen from me. How did I accomplish this from the comfort of my own home? A steady stream of podcasts and audiobooks. I made it my mission to get to the bottom of why alcohol felt like such a trick. (Spoiler alert: it is.)

This is why it was so important for me to create The Sober Mom Life podcast. I felt a need to share everything I’d learned on my journey, and give a platform to those people who knew more about alcohol and its effects than I do.

We’re on our 42nd episode (HOW?!) and I’ve been honored to speak to some incredible women in sobriety who are challenging the norms and how we’ve historically thought about alcohol and “alcoholism.” (Whatever that is.)

In this week’s episode, I share tips for Dry January and how you can change your perspective going into the month…

The Gold Medal in the Moderation Mental Gymnastics with Real Sober Mom Samantha The Sober Mom Life

Alcohol was an ever present part of Samantha’s childhood, so when she started drinking at fifteen she thought nothing of it. Her parents would allow her and her friends to drink at the house to avoid drunk driving. It all felt completely normal.  Samantha’s drinking eventually took the form of weekend binge drinking. She met her husband at 20, and can look back and see all of the added drama that alcohol brought to their relationship during those years.  In 2022, Samantha began to experience severe panic attacks. Her ‘hangxiety’ the day after drinking was the worst of all. After doing some personal work on anxiety, she began to attempt moderation. It took a lot of hard work and many failed attempts at moderating for her to wonder: should she give up alcohol for good?  ‘Will power’ wasn’t enough to get Samantha to stop drinking. She had to go deeper and work on her ‘desire’ to drink. She is now six months sober, and she finally feels free to figure out what she truly desires in life! She is now creating a career where she can help others with their sobriety and body positivity. If you struggle with anxiety and body image, Samantha recommends Erin Treloar and Dr. Michele Kambolis’s Anxiety Toolkit and Raw Beauty Talks.  Are you looking for community in sobriety? Join us in the The Sober Mom Life Cafe!  For $40/month, you’ll get access to 12 weekly peer support meetings, the exclusive Cafe social feed, our monthly book club and happy hour, the chance to share your story on The Real Sober Moms, and even a monthly Bravo chat! For a limited time, get one week free!  We also have The Sober Mom Life Community for just $5.95/month – In the Community, you’ll receive access to the exclusive Community social feed, the exclusive community chat, our monthly book club, and one free weekly meeting.  Click here to follow The Sober Mom Life on Instagram Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
  1. The Gold Medal in the Moderation Mental Gymnastics with Real Sober Mom Samantha
  2. Overcome Your Social Anxiety with Courtney
  3. The Real Sober Moms with Laura S
  4. Celebrating 5 Years of Sobriety!
  5. The Real Sober Moms with Gillian
A graphic that says, "click here for bonus content"
Suzanne wearing a graphic pullover that says "Sobriety is cool"

Click here to shop my SOBER IS COOL sweatshirt

Dry January Guide


The book, The Naked Mind


Talk to anyone who chose a different path in sobriety (meaning not the traditional AA route), and This Naked Mind will be at the top of their list. If you’ve never challenged your relationship and idea of alcohol, I can’t recommend this book enough. It shatters everything we thought we knew about alcohol. I even consider it an “un-brainwashing,” since everywhere we look we’re taught that alcohol is the solution to our problems. This book destroys that notion and will teach you SO much about the truth about alcohol. I suggest you listen to it, rather than read it, because it’s quite lengthy and repetitive. I loved listening to it in one AirPod while I went about my day.

The book, Not Drinking Tonight


This book picks up where This Naked Mind left off. If your relationship with alcohol stems from a knowledge problem, Annie Grace’s book might just be enough. However, if there is more underneath your drinking, which there usually is, Not Drinking Tonight will help you explore and uncover that.

Also – stay tuned Amanda is on my podcast soon!!

The book, Quit Like A Woman


Yep, the book that helped Miranda quit drinking in And Just Like That. (Although, can we all agree that storyline needed much more? Like, she just ordered this book and that was it? Really?) In this book, Holly Whitaker presents an impressive takedown of Alcoholics Anonymous, complete with a whole lot of research and radical thinking. I love it.



Casey Davidson brings such a fresh and honest perspective to sobriety. I love her take on it and she really goes deep with her guests. I had her on my podcast a few months ago – listen to that episode here!


Gill Tietz has a background in Biochemistry, and she brings that scientific knowledge to alcohol and how it affects our brains and bodies. She was on my podcast (listen to that episode here), and I love listening to hers.


Another favorite! I had the pleasure of being on Jessica’s podcast last year, way before I had my own podcast. I can’t wait to have her on mine. 🙂 You can listen to my episode on her podcast here!

  1. Elena says:

    Thanks for this post and the pod was so good too! I was wondering about the book Not Drinking Tonight and now that I see it here I think I’m going to pull the trigger on it 🙂 AND I love the style posts – everything I’m interested in here in one place. Happy New Year!

    • suzanne says:

      Thank you, Elena! I’m so glad you love the posts. I really think you’ll like the book. I found it so helpful. Happy New Year! xx

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