Hi, sweet friends. Baby Gray turned 10 months old last week, to which I can only scream: SLOW DOWN. #sodramatic
I’m hanging onto these days and baby moments as tightly as I can…
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We don’t go back to the Ped until Gray’s one year appointment (GASP), but at his 9 month appointment he was 17 pounds + some number of ounces. I know. Super specific. He’s always stayed on his 50% curve for both his height and weight, so I’ve never been worried about it.

We’re still going strong and he doesn’t seem to be anywhere near ready to begin weaning. I’m not in any hurry either, which has surprised me.
He’s still nursing before and after both naps, and will sometimes want to nurse in the late afternoon when he gets tired and cranky. Mostly, though, our nursing sessions are in his nursery in his glider, where it’s quiet and calm.

He’s pretty much eating anything and everything! I’ve been way more adventurous this time around with Baby-led Weaning and letting him try different foods. It’s been fun and not as nerve-racking as it was with the girls.
Some of his favorite foods are: grilled cheese, peanut butter toast, scrambled eggs, shredded cheese, avocado, french fries, pizza, strawberries, pancakes, bagels, spaghetti, steamed carrots, ravioli, yogurt.
I’ve also been giving him a bit of whatever we’re eating for dinner so he can taste a wide variety of food.

Our routine is pretty much the same as it was last month, but we’ve dropped that last nap and his 2 naps have stretched to 1.5 – 2 hours each…
- 630/7 AM – Wake up + nurse
- 730 – 9 AM – Eat breakfast + play
- 9 -1030/11 AM – Nurse + 1st nap (The length of his nap varies, but it’s starting to become more consistent and is usually around 1.5 hours.)
- 11 AM – 1230/1 PM – Nurse after nap, play and lunch
- 1230/1 – 3 PM – Nurse + 2nd nap
- 3 – 6PM – Nurse after nap, play + dinner
- 6 – 630 PM – Bath (not every night) + bedtime routine
- 630/7 PM – In crib for bedtime

Overall, sleep is pretty good. He’s still waking up once a night to nurse, and I’m OK with that. He had a few nights when he tried to pull a fast one and wake up twice to nurse, but I had to put a stop to that because sweet, sweet SLEEP.
Both of my girls didn’t consistently sleep through the night until around 11 months, and while I have that milestone in the back of my mind, I am not counting on baby boy doing the same. He loves to nurse and he loves his mama (<3), so I’m holding onto that one wake up as long as he wants it.
He’s growing so much every day, I can barely keep up! (No, but for real.)
He’s cruising all over and loves to walk with this toy. He’s getting fast and is almost ready to try taking steps on his own.
He climbs the stairs like a champ, which has been a fun development. Ha.
He has 6 teeth and it might be the cutest thing ever.
He’s clapping now anytime someone says “Yay!” and the girls have so much fun with that. And he’s almost got the waving thing down.

Find more Baby Gray updates here!