Happy Friday, sweet friends… it’s another moving update!
Ahhhh, I think I’m finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel…orrrr, the stacks of boxes. We are settling into our new house and it’s starting to feel like home more and more every day. There’s still a whole lot to do, but I keep reminding myself that there’s time.
I’m trying to tackle one room at a time. The first room I focused on was the kitchen because it’s the epicenter of our home and where we spend most of our time. For the first time before going to bed last night, I could actually see the kitchen island countertop! It was glorious. (Small wins.)
My goal this weekend is to get baby boy’s nursery in order . We still need to put his crib together (I hope The Mister is reading this so he knows his plan for Saturday 😉 ), wash his tiny clothes + put them away and get all of the baby things together. Even just typing it makes my nesting heart happy.
I hope you guys have a wonderful weekend…
(This post contains affiliated links.)

I’ve gotten a few messages asking about how Scout is handling the move. Actually, he’s doing pretty well. Sometimes he wanders around the house aimlessly, checking out the corners and sniffing the air, but overall I think he’s settling in. Since we haven’t received most of our rugs yet, the wood floors have been a challenge for his old hips. He’s taken over baby boy’s newborn lounger, and lies on it all day long and sleeps on it at night. It makes me happy that he found his little happy place. We don’t have a runner on the stairs yet, so he can’t go up and down them. I’ve been carrying him a lot, which sounds annoying, but I’ve actually enjoyed it.

I’ve been concerned how my girls would handle the move. I thought my 2 year old would be OK, because of her age and also because her temperament is more easy-going and less anxious than my almost 5 year old. We’ve been talking about the move for more than a month, but I realize that talking about a move and actually moving are two very different things.
On moving day, they stayed with our babysitter at the old house, while we’re primarily at the new house. I wanted to get their bedrooms set up as much as possible so that when they came over late in the day, it would feel as familiar as possible.
They walked in and were SO excited. They were running around, checking it all out. Then about 8 minutes later, my oldest started crying. She said she missed her old room, and hated her new room. She wanted to go back to the old house.
Inside, my heart fell. For a second. But also, I completely understood. I told her that I KNOW. This move is a scary change. Our old house was the only thing she’s known her whole little life. I told her I missed it, too, and I asked what she missed the most about it. “Everything.” OK. I held her while she cried, and told her that it’s OK to be sad. I asked her if she wanted to pick out a rug for her new room. She started to perk up and asked if it could be pink. Yes, sweet girl. It can be pink.
She hasn’t wanted to go to camp at all this week and hasn’t wanted to leave my side. She wakes up when I do (even if it’s at 430am) and doesn’t want to be alone. I get it. And while it’s taxing for me, I’m trying my best to take it day by day and help her through this big life change.
I’ll be sure to keep you guys updated on all things move and life related, in case any of you are going through the same thing…

Have a laugh on me and check out my blog photo bloopers…

SO many great finds this month for the home and little ones. (Is there anything Amazon can’t do??)