This New Year’s Resolution post is sponsored by ShopStyle and Macy’s. All opinions are my own.
Happy Thursday, sweet friends!
I can’t believe it’s the end of January – where does the time go?? Alright, I know we normally talk resolutions at the beginning of the month, to kick off the new year and start it off on the right foot.
But. Can I be honest? Sometimes it takes me a little bit to warm up the new year. I totally understand wanting to kick of the shiny new year and its first month with a bang, but for me, the more important part isn’t making sure January is a success. It’s making sure I’m checking in with myself throughout the year to see how I’m doing with my resolutions.
OK. Let’s talk resolutions. Each year, I try to work health and fitness into my resolution. I know, it’s not groundbreaking, but focusing on my health truly does make me a better (and happier) person, and who doesn’t want that?
This year, my resolution is to sweat a little every single day. It may sound daunting at first, but it doesn’t mean logging 5 miles each day. It means finding time to get my heart rate up each day. And sure, there may be days I’m not able to fit it in. (I’m looking at you, unpredictable toddler sleep schedules and nasty winter colds), but isn’t the whole point of resolutions to TRY, and then keep trying…?
And speaking of fitness, there’s really nothing more important than looking cute while working out, right? (Right.) Macy’s has long been my go-to for cute fitness finds that won’t break the bank, and now is the perfect time to scoop up your own! Don’t miss our on their Super Weekend Sale, now through Sunday. Use code YAY to save!

These Gaiam mesh leggings will be on repeat all season long. They’re perfect for yoga class, Pilates and school pick up. And they’re currently on sale! I’m wearing small.

These Nike kicks are insanely comfy. I’ve been wearing them nonstop since I got them!

How adorable is this Nike hoodie? It’s cropped, which I absolutely love. And it’s currently on sale! I’m wearing small.

And now, let’s talk about my word for 2019: CONNECT.
What does that mean, exactly? Well, it’s a work in progress (isn’t everything?), but here’s what I’ve come up with so far…
CONNECT with my husband with more date nights and alone time.
CONNECT with my girls by putting away my phone while we play.
CONNECT with myself by doing more yoga. It’s the only time I feel truly in touch and connected with my mind and body.
CONNECT with my friends by more texts and when/if we can, more girls’ dates.
CONNECT with my readers (you!) by learning more about you.

Now, I’d love to know – what’s your resolution for 2019?
And do you choose a word of the year? This is my first time choosing one – I’d love to know how you choose yours!!

Find more of my fitness and exercise content here!
My word for 2019 is Manifest. Hoping to apply it across my entire life – there’s a lot I’d like to do this year in our new location with our new life! Love your word too! I need to connect a little more with my own body … yoga sounds like a good way to do that – I’m going to look into that!