I’m going to be honest. (Always.)
I wasn’t sure if, or when, I was going to share this post. My initial thought was to go radio silent for a while to let myself heal, and then come back and possibly share what I’d had done. Or, not. Maybe I would say I had needed a social media/blog break for my mental health. Or not explain my absence at all, and just keep it moving after a week off.
But, I don’t want to do that.
I realized this morning, a mere 24 hours before my surgery, that I want to be honest with you about it. After all, I’ve been honest about everything else. Honesty is kind of my thing, you know?
I’ve shared my struggle with Postpartum Anxiety after the birth of my oldest child. I’ve shared my entire sobriety journey. My partial hysterectomy a year and a half ago. My upper eyelid lift a year ago.
I’m in the business of sharing the hard stuff with the hope that it makes you feel less alone, and I’ve realized today that getting a tummy tuck falls squarely into that category.
My instinct not to share was driven mainly by two fears. First, that I would be judged for wanting my body to be different. And to be clear, I don’t want a “new body.” I love my body for all the ways it has provided and sustained, but mostly for growing and feeding my three favorite humans. I embraced all three of my pregnancies, trusting my body to to know what to do and how to do it. I gained much more than the recommended weight, the number on the scale increasing with each baby. And, I was OK with it. I knew that when the time was right, I would get eventually fall back into my routine of working out and eating to feel good. And, I did. When Gray, my last baby, was 3 months old, I was able to resume my pre-pregnancy workouts, which felt even more essential than ever for my mental health.

August 2019 – Three weeks before I gave birth to my last baby
So…why am I getting a tummy tuck? My midsection never fully recovered. And no, I’m not just talking about an extra layer of fluff. My stomach muscles were ripped apart and never found their way back. I overlooked all of the postpartum girdles and contraptions that are supposed to help with that sort of thing during the 4th trimester, and now it’s too late. My core feels weak and I struggle to activate my ab muscles at all during workouts, and my belly feels 3-4 months pregnant at all times. That has led to lower back pain and an overall feeling of instability. I know that it’s only going to continue weakening as I age.
The second reason I was hesitant to share? My fear that women will read this and I will influence them into having this procedure. I fear that this post symbolizes a metaphoric handing over a microscope to inspect your body and its humanness. I don’t want to plant a seed with this post. I don’t want my experiences in my body to overshadow you in yours.
Ultimately, I’ve decided to share because it would be unfair not to. I don’t want to emerge from recovery with a flat stomach and not disclose that science helped me achieve it. I don’t want to be held up as some ideal, when I know the behind the scenes. I want you to know the behind the scenes, too.
Also, if you have already been considering getting a tummy tuck, I want to provide real life experience for you. The good, the bad and the gross.

I took this photo this afternoon, 24 hours before my surgery. This is my stomach at rest, not flexing.
Thank you, as always, for your support as I choose to share my life on here. Please leave any questions or comment below. I’ll share an update post when I’m feeling up to it, probably Sunday or Monday.
Be sure to follow along in stories to see more of the BTS stuff.

Praying for safe and successful procedure. Thank you for sharing. 💕
I am older than you and all “babies” are grown and flown but I can certainly relate to what you are experiencing. Do what is best for YOU
Thank you so much, Kimberly!
Suzanne I had severe diastases after my third baby. My stomach muscles were separated to the point that the loose skin would “fall” in the center while I was doing a crunch. I had the surgery and am so happy I did. I feel so much stronger and more confident in clothes. I was honest about it and people thought I was crazy (I’m 5 ft and 105lbs) but it’s a personal choice. I’m here if you have any questions!!!!!
This is so helpful – thank you, Jen! Mine feels the same – they’re SO separated. I’m excited to get those babies stitched back together.
Good luck! I have friends who have had it done and not one of them regretted the decision.
Thank you, Kelly! That’s great to hear.
Good for you! No need to feel hesitant or apprehensive about sharing. Our bodies are put through so much during pregnancy and postpartum. I’m so glad you’re doing what YOU feel is best!
That’s so true and a good reminder – thank you, Elizabeth!
YOU go girl !!! You deserve it and you do YOU !!
Screw any negative feedback , god bless you and YOUR honesty….i too had a tummy tuck after 3 kiddos and I am thankful that I was able to make that decision… I absolutely adore you and admire your strength and sobriety!!! Keep kicking ass and wishing you a speedy recovery ❤️🩹 hugs and kisses XO , E
Thank you, Erin – you made my day. I really appreciate it! ❤️
Hi, I am new to the group, but I’ve been following your podcast for a long time. I’m excited for you! I hope you have an easy surgery and a quick recovery. Please keep sharing details. I also have ab muscles that never went back. I wore the 4th trimester stuff, but I had to have an emergency c section and I’ve been told it’s a common side effect. I’ve spent 2 years trying to “fix” it with physical therapy, exercise, and diet. But, more than likely, I’m going to have to get surgery too. Which is scary! Thanks for being brave and sharing!
Hi Skye! I hope you’re loving the group. They’re my favorite women 🙂 I agree – it’s so hard when nothing seems to help. I’ll be sure to keep you guys updated on the recovery!
Bravo Suzanne ! Thank you for your honesty and sharing your journey. Good luck and a Perry recovery!
Thank you, Staci!
Suzanne, You’re the only one that can make this decision for yourself and it only matters what you think. At the same time I’m thrilled to see other women lending their full support. My muscle wall was broken down after 2 pregnancies and I opted for same surgery and then I “let myself go”. The wall that surgery rebuilt is still there and I will trim down to a weight/size/version of myself I am happy with. There are so many paths and I used to berate myself for not taking better care of myself after the surgery. I’ve learned I’m not in charge or in control of much and to do the best I can with reality. I wish you a successful surgery and quick recovery. Like the others, happy to answer any questions.
Thank you so much for sharing, Lee. It can be so hard to take care of ourselves, but just as important to give ourselves grace. I’m proud of you.
Your body, your decision! Thanks for being brave and sharing ☀️♥️🙏🏻
Thank you, Julia!
I’m so glad you shared this! I also have diastases recti and did PT as well as several postpartum ab repair programs. They’ve helped, but I still have a severe separation and struggle with the same issues. And I know it’s going to be even worse after I complete this 4th pregnancy, so I’ve already been thinking about doing the same. Thanks for being real and honest!
Thanks, lady. I’m definitely realizing it much more common than I thought. I’ll share all the details in the Sunday check in 🙂
Wishing you a successful surgery and a speedy recovery!
Thank you, Kim!
Only you know what’s best for your body – period. Sending prayers for a safe procedure and speedy recovery. 💕
Thank you so much, Shannon ❤️
Sending you lots of love and hope for a smooth surgery and speedy recovery! Your followers love and appreciate your honesty. What you shared was beautifully articulated. 🙏🏻
Hoping for a smooth surgery and a speedy recovery. I have had 3 c-sections and have debated this for a long time. I am very interested to hear all about your experience.
Best of luck! Lots of diastasis safe exercises to look into once you’re on the mend 🙂
I appreciate the share if only because I didn’t know a tummy tuck would help with diastases issues after babies. Thank you. Wishing you a smooth surgery and smooth recovery!
Thank you for sharing! I pray for a speedy recovery and healing! I recently have started thinking ant talking about doing a tummy tuck for the same reasons you mentioned above and have the same feelings as you do. I look forward to hearing about your recovery process and how you are feeling.
I had this done in April and it was the best thing I have ever done for myself. I feel more confident in my clothes and for the first time in many years my core feels strong. Recovery was hard but so worth it. Prayers for a speedy recovery!
I’m so glad you shared this. I think it falls under the category of what we talk about in our meetings, which is telling shame (and shamers) to F off! Shame can be so debilitating, and keeps us stuck. By speaking our truth, and being honest, even when it’s uncomfortable, we free ourselves. So glad you’re on the other side of the surgery and you just keep on being your badass self! xo