I’m on a roll! Three weeks in a row of What I Wore this Week. Look at me go!
Also, sharing this series is really making me realize that I need to make my bed every morning.


We celebrated my oldest’s birthday on Sunday and we met some friends at the Barbie movie. (Side note: it was so good. Margot Robbie is my hero and Ryan Gosling steals everything he’s in. Also, bring tissues for the last scene.)
My black cut offs are a favorite – they’re high rise and long enough that I don’t have to be afraid of showing my booty to unsuspecting victims. Size up if you’re in between.

Trying to wear this dress as much as I can because it’s SO easy and comfy. I’m wearing small.

Sometimes, I just want to stay home in my loungewear and get stuff done around the house. (And when I say sometimes, I mean I have to fight the urge to do this every single day.) My set is back in stock! I’m wearing small.

We are spending as much time at the pool as we can in these last days of summer break. And, it was CRAZY hot this week.
My favorite ever one piece suit is on major sale and there are still sizes and colors left! If you’re in between, I would size down.

We had Gray’s preschool open house, so I had to look like an adult. Lol.