Today I’m chatting with Kerry, the first sober curious mom to join the pod!
While Keri hasn’t experienced a rock bottom, she has definitely experienced enough rough mornings filled with debilitating ‘hangziety’ to make her question her relationship with alcohol.
She’s not sure where she will land. It might be drinking in moderation, or it might be cutting alcohol out all together, but Kerry knows one thing is for sure – she does not want to spiral back to where she was before.
This conversation is a great one for anyone who’s questioning their habit of drinking alcohol!
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Speaker 1 (00:04):
Hi, welcome to the Sober Mom Life podcast. I’m your host, Suzanne of my kind of suite and the sober mom life on Instagram. If you are a mama who has questioned your relationship with alcohol at times, if you’re wondering if maybe it’s making motherhood harder, this is for you. I will be having candid, honest, funny conversations with other moms who have also thought, Hmm, maybe motherhood is better without alcohol. Is it possible? We’ll chat and we’ll talk about all things sobriety and how we’ve found freedom in sobriety. I don’t consider myself an alcoholic. You don’t have to either, and maybe life is brighter without alcohol. I hope you will join us on this journey, and I’m so excited to get started.
Hello, happy Friday. We made it. Okay, you guys, it’s another episode. It’s another bonus episode. A real sober mom bonus episode. And actually, this is our first sober curious mom. I loved this chat with Carrie. All of the moms that we’ve had on here so far are either newly sober or they’re, you know, they’ve got a couple of years under their belt. Carrie is still in that journey of trying to figure out what moderation is, how it works, does it work, what alcohol does to her? What is life without alcohol? What is life if it’s just, you know, a drink every week, she’s just still in it. And I think that this is probably one of the most important conversations that I’ve shared on here, because I think the majority of women, especially now after the pandemic are in this spot, the majority of women have not already decided to be sober.
I think that they’re questioning their relationship with alcohol, and then they kind of freak out about what does that mean, and what questions do I have to answer? So we talk about all of that and more. I know you will find this conversation helpful, and if you do, just share it with other sober curious moms or just share it on your social media and you don’t know who you’re reaching. Because as we talk about in this episode, we don’t know who in our lives is questioning their relationship with alcohol. And I tend to think chances are, most people have had at some point, have questioned their relationship with alcohol. So I hope you enjoy this conversation with Carrie. Okay. Hi guys. I’m here with Carrie. Carrie, thank you so much for being here.
Speaker 2 (02:59):
Oh, of course. Yeah, it was a great opportunity to meet you and to, uh, also share my story.
Speaker 1 (03:06):
Yeah, I’m excited. Okay. So tell us a little bit about you and then before we talk about sobriety, let’s talk about drinking and your drinking story.
Speaker 2 (03:14):
So my drinking story isn’t all too exciting.
Speaker 1 (03:18):
That’s okay. <laugh>, we take all the stories here. <laugh>. Well,
Speaker 2 (03:22):
Yeah, for sure. No, I, I noticed that for sure. <laugh>. Yeah. So I consider myself sober. Curious.
Speaker 1 (03:29):
Speaker 2 (03:30):
I, you know, grew up in a family where wine was, uh, could be a daily thing with meal, with a meal, you know, with dinner, I saw my parents have wine with dinner. They were always very responsible. I grew up, I guess, seeing it as more of a sophisticated thing that adults do. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, which I’m, you know, I’m sure is, is pretty, pretty normal. So I grew up with that. And then as a teen, you know, it’s glamorized by TV and movies and all that sort of thing, and mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, I went through the whole high school thing where you’re, you know, you’re imbibing and, you know, going off to college and that sort of thing. Just all very normal. But I was never like the party girl type of person. Yeah. That was never my kind of thing. Not to say that I didn’t party. I did <laugh> it and it was never like a daily thing where I’m thinking about alcohol all the time, or Yeah. For me it was like, I always, always regretted drinking at a party. It was, I, the anxiety thing was real for me, and I couldn’t.
Speaker 1 (04:31):
Yeah. Was that even in college? In college, you even regretted it?
Speaker 2 (04:35):
Yeah. And I should say, I didn’t go away to college, but I was at college for, for several years. Um, I took health sciences. I, I was still at home, but I, you know, obviously I had my college friends. Yeah. It wasn’t like it was, I had these terrible times. It was just, I was in a habit, you know, I, I could go weeks without drinking, but then certain weekends I’d wanna blow off steam. Right, yeah. The release valve sort of thing. So yeah, I, I would do that. And then, then I found, like, as the years pass, like, like I’m 46 now, and, you know, there’s parts of me that, that are like, you should know better. My goal here is to eventually not drink at all. Yeah. If that’s in alignment for me. So basically going back to my story, I was in health sciences in college.
I’ve always been into fitness and wellness and eating well and all of that, and it never aligned with me. I noticed that the habit of drinking was kind of closing in, you know, more situations of drinking and mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I wasn’t comfortable with that for a very long time before, you know, I, I came to this point and it, yeah, it, it’s <laugh> the struggle was real. And so I’d be one of those people that would like, call my friends the next day and be like, you know, I hope I didn’t say anything offensive last night. Or, you know, like, or stupid or whatever. And they’d be like, you’re fine. Yeah. Like, like, stop worrying about it. It’s not a big deal.
Speaker 1 (06:04):
Oh my God. That’s that anxiety where it’s like, holy shit, what did I do? What did I say? Like, it’s all kind of blurry. What? Yeah.
Speaker 2 (06:11):
Yeah. And so I would black out, obviously. Right. Like, and another thing I wanted to touch on too was that I was in the health and fitness industry. Like I was a personal trainer for many years. My, my husband and I had owned a gym many years back. So it’s like, you know, the whole diet culture and when you’re a young woman and not, you know, you go to an event, you don’t eat enough prior to.
Speaker 1 (06:36):
Speaker 2 (06:37):
Oh my God. And then all of a sudden two drinks in, you’re like,
Speaker 1 (06:41):
And then the next time you’re like, oh, that’s the problem. I just need to eat beforehand and then I’ll be fine. Yeah.
Speaker 2 (06:47):
Speaker 1 (06:48):
And then it’s like, well, yeah, you’re not, but yeah.
Speaker 2 (06:51):
Yeah. So I just, I started of course, uh, as I always had done, cuz I was always interested in health and the science behind it and all of that. And so I’d, oh, I just go do my research and you know what you, you start asking yourself questions like, do I have a problem <laugh>?
Speaker 1 (07:08):
Speaker 2 (07:08):
Like, I’m not drinking daily. I’m not thinking about alcohol all the time. But, you know, I have these times where I, I drink too much. Yeah. And I suffer through this anxiety. The next day I’m calling my friend saying, you know, doing like, these apologies that may or may not be necessary. And I just got really tired of that. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So yeah, I read some books. I listened to some audio tapes, like The Naked Mind, for example, that was a big one. And, and just did some reading and determined that I, I was being paranoid about having a drinking problem. Okay. In terms of the whole, am I an alcoholic? You know? Yeah.
Speaker 1 (07:51):
Just whatever
Speaker 2 (07:52):
That means. Whatever that means. Right, exactly. Yeah. Right. And so just trying to clarify what, like, what I need to do, how I need to approach my issues with, with alcohol.
Speaker 1 (08:02):
I love that you’re on here because I think this sober curious area that you’re living in is really important to talk about because I think a lot of women are there right now where it seems like a big step that you’re, you’re gonna declare that you’re never gonna drink again or whatever that is, or you have a problem or what, you know, I, all of those questions, like, believe me, I spiraled through all of those <laugh> and I was like, what the hell is this? I don’t even know. And all of that. But then you know that you don’t like your relationship with alcohol. Yeah. And so, like, you can hold those two things of being like, hold on. So this thing always lets me down and I know this is a trick, but this over here is way too scary to make that leap into whatever that is. So I think the gray area that, that you’re in is really, really common.
Speaker 2 (08:57):
Yeah. And I, I think it’s more common than we’re willing to talk about out loud. Yes. You know, like what you are doing. But I think it’s so important and, um, I think there needs to be more dialogue about it. It, it’s just something that’s not really touched on. Like, I only talk about it with my sister and my husband, you know? Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and why though, you know, it’s, it’s, I guess it’s just the stigma of it.
Speaker 1 (09:25):
Yeah. I think it is because there’s, it’s not neatly labeled. It’s not, it’s hard to understand. But I do think when we don’t talk about it, like some, you know, I keep bumping up against this idea of like normal drinkers. And I think some people have this idea that, oh God, if I could just drink normally, and, you know, that puts the shame on yourselves. Like, what’s wrong with me that I can’t control this wildly addictive substance. Right. Where, where like, of course, that’s, you’re not supposed to be able to, I mean, no one can, it’s just a matter of how long they’re gonna drink. But someone on the outside might look at you like you are a normal drinker, and they don’t know. It’s like this duck, right? It’s like the duck above the water is fine and calm and you know, has this shit together. And underneath is all of this shit that’s like being just like, you are questioning all of it and you’re struggling with it and you’re, why can’t I control it? And all of that. And so I think on the outside, people would consider someone like you a normal drinker. Yeah,
Speaker 2 (10:32):
Speaker 1 (10:34):
When this, you start talking about, I don’t know, just like, oh God, I wish I could just drink normally. I just don’t, I don’t, you guys, I don’t know anyone who hasn’t at least questioned their relationship with alcohol. Yeah. And like, I, I don’t know what a normal drinker is.
Speaker 2 (10:51):
Well, they can’t like, it, it really irks me when the medically community will, will put out like, you know, drink and moderation. <laugh> Will, will, can you please define that? Because moderation for one person might be different for another.
Speaker 1 (11:04):
Yeah. And like, drink responsibly. Like, you would never put that on like a pack of cigarettes, like smoke responsibly. If you get lung cancer, that’s a weakness in you. Oh. It’s like, no, no. Wait a second.
Speaker 2 (11:16):
We’ve been duped. Right. Like,
Speaker 1 (11:18):
We have totally been duped. Yeah. And yeah, that’s my whole goal is just to be like, wait, wait guys. Hey, do, did you know that it’s not a weakness in you if you can’t control this crazy, highly addictive substance? Yeah. And that like, you’re not the only one who’s questioning your relationship with alcohol. Like chances are everyone is, which is wh which is why then when we share, or when I share like, yeah, I’m sober, everyone is like, Ooh, what is that? Okay, there it is. Ooh, that’s, uh, that’s uncomfortable. What does that mean mean about my drinking? Yeah. Because it’s, it’s addictive. It’s a thing.
Speaker 2 (11:58):
<laugh>. Yeah. And I, I think that’s a really important point that you’re making, is that it’s an addictive substance instead of like exactly what you’re saying. Like, yes, people, I think people wanna just confirm well, will, I’m not addicted to it. Right. I think that’s where like the whole stigma thing comes in and it’s, it’s very misleading.
Speaker 1 (12:18):
Right. It’s just so misleading in this idea that Yeah. That you have to be addicted to it in order to reap the benefits of a life without it. I think that’s where that gray area is. And it’s like all of this normal drinking stuff and alcoholic stuff just keeps people, well, that’s not me. So obviously my relationship with alcohol is fine, even if, you know, deep down it might not be even if you’ve questioned it. And that’s not a weakness in you.
Speaker 2 (12:50):
No. And, and you know, I’ve heard that. I think it was you who I heard say that before and I, it helped me. It was like, like it, it felt so good to hear that because I went through so many years of just being ashamed of myself for the times that I dr. Over drank. Yeah. And just beating myself up about it the next day, maybe if I’m being honest, the next week, you know? Yeah. And hearing that it’s like, okay, I can use tools to better my choices and, and improve, you know, the thing for me was the alignment of wellness and fitness. Right. Because mm-hmm. <affirmative>, if I had, you know, a night out that I over imbibed, it kind of messed up any of the goals I had for the next few days.
Speaker 1 (13:38):
Speaker 2 (13:39):
And then it would just, I would just spiral into like negativity about it. And you realize after doing that, like so many times that, you know, this isn’t the life I want. I have goals. I want to be healthy. You know, like I’ve heard people say like, alcohol doesn’t belong in a wellness space, you know? And that is so
Speaker 1 (13:59):
True. Oh my god. <laugh>, you know, that’s my, that’s my new, I’m like on a mission now you got me fired up because like, I am on, like, as soon as you said the health and wellness thing, I think about, cause we just got back from mural and there’s a fucking mural flask, there’s a flask branded mial, there’s a crystal wine stopper. It’s like, oh, make sure your aura’s good with the crystal while you’re drinking ethanol. It’s like, what? Of course, people, yes. And it’s like, of course people in health and wellness are buying into the alcohol idea because it’s everywhere. Oh
Speaker 2 (14:34):
Yeah. And celebrities are not doing it any good either. Right. Like,
Speaker 1 (14:39):
Oh, like Cameron Diaz, I don’t care if your wine is organic. I don’t care if the grapes are organic. Yeah. It’s still ethanol. Okay. Can we just stop? Like, yes. Alcohol in bars at parties. I’ll bring my own mocktails, get alcohol out of wellness spaces.
Speaker 2 (14:57):
<laugh>. Yeah. It doesn’t belong there. It’s, it’s like the elephant in the room. Or that’s not a, that’s not a good analogy, but
Speaker 1 (15:03):
Yeah. But it ki it it is though because it’s like, why is no one talking about this? Like, why does everyone think feel like this is normal? Yeah. Because it’s crazy. Cause it’s not, we are just so brainwashed into not even knowing what alcohol is or what it does that it’s not question. And I don’t think it’s a malicious thing. I do think it’s a malicious thing from the big alcohol and marketing stuff, but it’s not a malicious thing for the people who are there. And the yoga instructors who have been told that to offer, you know, beer at the end of the year party. It’s like they don’t know. Yeah, sure. Have beer. No <laugh> don’t have beer, don’t have beer at
Speaker 2 (15:45):
Yoga. Please. <laugh>.
Speaker 1 (15:47):
Yeah. Can we not? This is my new, I I swear to God I’m gonna, I know
Speaker 2 (15:52):
I could go on <laugh>. I
Speaker 1 (15:52):
Know. It’s, it stopped me because I could go on and on about this. It’s so bad.
Speaker 2 (15:57):
And the other thing too that I’ve heard recently, and I can’t remember if it was a podcast or if I read it somewhere, is this idea that, or, or maybe it’s a fact that, you know, it doesn’t matter how little or how much you drink, if you habitually drink, you’re on the spectrum of addiction. So
Speaker 1 (16:15):
That’s this naked mind, that’s what she said in this naked mind. Like it’s all a spectrum. Yes.
Speaker 2 (16:21):
Yeah. So it’s like, okay, so even if I drink, like if I have one drink a week, one drink a month, or one drink, I don’t know, every six months Yeah. People are still fitting somewhere on that spectrum and Yeah. It just doesn’t sit right with me. So. Yeah.
Speaker 1 (16:37):
Right. Okay. So we’re sober curious where you sit today about your sober curious journey. Like what does it look like to you? Or maybe you don’t know, which is great too.
Speaker 2 (16:48):
Yeah. So right now I’m just in a space of, I, I know that I want to drink at the most one time per week, meaning one glass of wine. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But I only wanna stay there if like, this is the thing. I’m just being curious and open and
Speaker 1 (17:12):
Yeah. This is so judgment free, Jeff.
Speaker 2 (17:15):
I don’t have this figured out at all. Obviously <laugh>,
Speaker 1 (17:17):
Neither do I, <laugh> I don’t have any of it figured out either. This is all, we’re just learning as we go.
Speaker 2 (17:23):
Yeah, true. So yeah, I just, right now I’m comfortable with, you know, if, if I can, yeah. It’s just comes down to this control thing though, right? Like, if I can just drink on a Friday or like one drink or, or two Yeah. Pops right, then I would be fine with that going forward. But if it started to spiral, which they say it can, like people in have this good intention of moderating and they over and over again, they quickly realize, oh, I can’t moderate. Like, it’s just not mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Well, I certainly don’t wanna, like, I don’t wanna go another five, 10 years doing that. I would rather just let it go and be done with it. Just have it outta my life. Right. And, and that’s my choice and Yeah. You know, moving along. So I’m, I’m just kind of like in the test, the waters like I’m in it, you know, like I am, I’m in it.
Speaker 1 (18:15):
<laugh>. Yes. I love, that’s why I love, I love this conversation cuz you are in it, you’re in that experiment part of like, okay, let’s see about moderation. What does that mean for me? Like, yeah, what does it look like? Is it possible? Can I do it? How will it be? How will I feel? I’m glad that you’re on here because I think that this is fascinating to talk to someone who is in it. My experience was a little bit different in that I like decided I was done because I had such a brutal hangover. And then I was like, holy shit. But then I spiraled, I was like, oh my God, I just ruined my life. What does this mean? Like, my life is over. And only did I realize once I took it out of the equation, could my mind be free? Like that’s what I felt of like, there’s no mental gymnastics around alcohol anymore. But that was just for me, you know, that, that I didn’t have to think about it. Um, and now it’s all I talk about because then I made it my job. Um, now I do think about it.
Speaker 2 (19:17):
Now you have to talk about it
Speaker 1 (19:19):
<laugh>, but I, I, yeah, now I have fuck you alcohol, you, you got me again. But I feel like that’s all a part of just learning about what you want your relationship with alcohol to be and how does it feel, you know, it’s a long game. This is all a long game. Yeah.
Speaker 2 (19:38):
For me, you know what, you know what I like, what I learned about myself in going through this is that is the managing your brain aspect of things. And as we all know, the brain doesn’t come with an instruction manual. I really wish it had mm-hmm. <affirmative> because I, maybe I wouldn’t be here right now, <laugh>. Um, but <laugh>, yeah. Um, now that I’m not enjoying this, um, <laugh>
Speaker 1 (20:02):
No, <laugh>. Yeah. Wait a second. <laugh>. Um,
Speaker 2 (20:06):
So, so what I learned about myself is that like during the week, like I’m fine. Like I, I don’t think about alcohol at all. I just, I, you know, I work full-time. I have two kids. I have a dog, I have a husband. Uh, you know, it’s busy. And so I’m just like doing my thing and yeah. Trying to stay on top of the house, which is a challenge in itself. Um, <laugh> Oh,
Speaker 1 (20:30):
Speaker 2 (20:31):
And, and I’m, I’m going along and then I’ve, you know, I have my days like I learned to kind of tune into yourself and listen to the thoughts that you’re having. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and I discovered a long time ago. Oh yeah. I’m, I’m having a lot of negative, negative self-talk here. And I’ve, I’ve done a lot of work there and I, I can’t say I’ve come a long way mm-hmm. <affirmative>, but one thing I noticed at that time was that I would have this kind of like self-talk, you know, kind of gaining momentum from Monday, you know, through the week, get to Friday, and I’m like feeling emotionally kind of strained, you know?
Speaker 1 (21:09):
Speaker 2 (21:09):
Stressed thinking about and, and not realizing at the time, oh, this is like kind of self-generated <laugh> in a sense. You know, there obviously there’s life stress. Yeah. But then just wanting to press the release valve and
Speaker 1 (21:22):
Totally like the weight of it. You just wanna put it down.
Speaker 2 (21:25):
Totally. Yeah. Yeah. I just, I just wanna escape. Yes. And so I realized, you know, over time, I, you know, as I started tuning into that and being like researching like, what can I do about it? And, and discovered some tools that were helpful. Like, I don’t know if you’ve heard of the think, feel, act cycle? It’s
Speaker 1 (21:47):
No. But I, I’ve, I, I haven’t heard of it, but I’m familiar <laugh> tell me what it is.
Speaker 2 (21:53):
Yeah. So I stumbled across it and I was like, Ooh, this is interesting. And yeah, it’s about how your thoughts, which you can’t always control, right. We have a lot of thoughts. Right.
Speaker 1 (22:07):
Speaker 2 (22:08):
Your thoughts. Yeah. Your thoughts, which Yeah. Affect your feelings, which your feelings then affect how you act.
Speaker 1 (22:17):
Speaker 2 (22:18):
So it’s like, and when I learned that, I was like, oh,
Speaker 1 (22:22):
Speaker 2 (22:23):
So it’s like, oh, I’m having all these negative thoughts. It’s stressing me out through the week. I get to Friday, I’m feeling overwhelmed. Hmm. And I subconsciously know, oh, I could just open that bottle of wine and pour a glass.
Speaker 1 (22:38):
Right. Right.
Speaker 2 (22:39):
Even if I’m not thinking that I’m, I subconsciously know it. Right?
Speaker 1 (22:43):
Yes. It’s a habit. Yeah.
Speaker 2 (22:44):
It’s a habit.
Speaker 1 (22:45):
Yeah. It’s a habit of the trigger is stress and the reward is okay. The, that’s like in in the Naked mind too. Annie Grace doesn’t she talk about even just the pouring the glass or even just the ordering the wine, you feel calmer.
Speaker 2 (23:01):
Yeah. Like the dopamine’s already releasing.
Speaker 1 (23:03):
Yeah. Yeah. It’s ar knowing that the wine’s coming, it’s already like Yeah. Understand
Speaker 2 (23:09):
Anticip anticipation.
Speaker 1 (23:10):
So it’s not the actual thing. Right.
Speaker 2 (23:12):
So if I would just not pour the wine <laugh>, I could still get the dopamine hit. Right. I don’t know <laugh>.
Speaker 1 (23:20):
I know, right? Yeah. How does that work?
Speaker 2 (23:22):
So it was super interesting learning that it, it was just learning to be aware, you know, like we’re so Yeah. As moms, we’re so busy and we’re so distracted and we’re, we don’t often get the luxury of tuning into our own, you know, what’s going on in here. Right?
Speaker 1 (23:39):
Speaker 2 (23:40):
Yeah. Like taking a, a temperature read or, or whatever. And so, but, but realizing that it’s like, oh, okay. You know, like I just gotta, I just gotta take moments through the day where I’m like taking some deep breaths, you know? And Yeah. And so I, I started doing that and started applying just small, like not, I’m not meditating for two hours. I’m not that <laugh>.
Speaker 1 (24:03):
Oh my God. Good. Because I’d be like, what <laugh>?
Speaker 2 (24:06):
No, who has time for
Speaker 1 (24:08):
That? I’m like, you’re a rockstar. Like, who could do that? Yeah, yeah,
Speaker 2 (24:11):
Yeah. No
Speaker 1 (24:12):
<laugh>. I can’t even do 10 minutes, so don’t
Speaker 2 (24:14):
Even know. I’ll cap it at
Speaker 1 (24:15):
Five. Yeah, five, five is like an eternity when you’re managing. Anyway.
Speaker 2 (24:19):
So learning that has like super helped me like change, being able to affect change. First of all, how I’ve been viewing myself, you know, and yeah. Because I, I think I’ve been too hard on myself in the past. Yeah. And then just being more aware and knowing what I need to check in with myself. And these are just skills that like anyone can use. You don’t have to mm-hmm. <affirmative> necessarily be struggling with alcohol. Right. It’s just a, just life skills sort of things. Sort of tools.
Speaker 1 (24:52):
I like that. Yeah. It’s so, it does sound like you’re really in touch with yourself and your brain and your mind and how it’s affecting you. And I like this idea of, it’s like a pressure cooker all through the week. Yes. And then by the time you get to Friday, you’re like, just gonna lose your shit. So then you turn to this and it’s like, oh wait, how can I release that gasket a little bit throughout the week? So it’s not so much pressure when you get to Friday. I That’s a great idea.
Speaker 2 (25:18):
Yeah. And, and also running his bitta Godsend. Yes.
Speaker 1 (25:23):
What do you love about running? Cuz I, I’m a runner and I love it, but what do you Yeah. What do you find in that?
Speaker 2 (25:28):
It’s zen for me. Like, just to be able to mm-hmm. <affirmative> to go long distances and just get into a rhythm. And I don’t always like listen to a podcast. I kind of go back and forth. I, I kind of like to be with my thoughts during the run and I’ll get my best ideas at that time. Yeah. I can problem solve better during that time. So
Speaker 1 (25:51):
Me too, isn’t it? Yes. Same. Like, if I don’t know what to do about something or I don’t e I don’t even know what’s going on in my mind. Yeah. Like I go for a run, I come back What knowing what to do. I don’t know if it’s just like my body knows what to do to run. Yeah. Like I don’t have to think about it. Like, you don’t have to teach your body how to run, like you know how to run and so then you’re just kind of free. Yeah. It is. It is like a meditative state. Yeah, it
Speaker 2 (26:17):
Is. It is. I mean, not that it’s, you know, running is a challenge for sure,
Speaker 1 (26:20):
But I mean, if you go slow enough, just go really slow. Like me <laugh>. Yeah.
Speaker 2 (26:24):
I just ran my slowest half marathon <laugh> two, two weeks ago.
Speaker 1 (26:29):
Good. Yay. Oh, that’s good though. Yeah. Well, congrats. That’s something to be celebrated. Yeah.
Speaker 2 (26:35):
It’s fine.
Speaker 1 (26:36):
That means that you had a lot of great meditative thoughts up there.
Speaker 2 (26:39):
Exactly right. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. But yeah, it’s so good for me to do that. And when I don’t, like, if I haven’t worked out, if I, mainly it’s the running, like I, I have to lift weights obviously and mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I do that a few times a week. But the walking, or sorry, the hiking and the running, I don’t know what it is. I guess because it’s, the running is, it’s physically draining, but in a good way. Yeah,
Speaker 1 (27:01):
Speaker 2 (27:02):
I don’t know why I just become <laugh>. It’s either cause I’m exhausted, but I, I just become calmer. Right. Yeah. And I I love that feeling
Speaker 1 (27:11):
<laugh>. I do too. Uh,
Speaker 2 (27:13):
It slows down the hamster wheel in my brain. I think that’s why.
Speaker 1 (27:16):
Yeah, totally. I am so with you. Yeah. Oh my God. Well, I wish we could talk forever because I want to, I am gonna follow your journey. Will you, do you post in the Facebook group a lot or do you just follow along?
Speaker 2 (27:30):
I like to go in there and like cheer people on.
Speaker 1 (27:33):
Oh, that’s so nice.
Speaker 2 (27:35):
So I, I don’t think I’ve actually posted anything. Maybe once I did, I don’t know. Okay.
Speaker 1 (27:40):
Speaker 2 (27:41):
But yeah, I’ll, I’ll definitely start posting more
Speaker 1 (27:44):
Or just like reach out to me cuz I wanna, I wanna follow your journey. I think this is fascinating because you are in it.
Speaker 2 (27:51):
Oh, for sure. That would be great. Yeah. Like,
Speaker 1 (27:53):
Yeah, you’re in it and like, you’re so aware of stuff too. Like you’re not just like, you know, some people are in it, but they’re not really aware of what’s going on. Like you’re really trying to figure this out for yourself.
Speaker 2 (28:04):
Yeah. Well I got, I’ve got kids too, so it’s like we, we That could be another podcast, <laugh>. I
Speaker 1 (28:09):
Know. It should be <laugh>. I know. Well, I am so proud of you. Thank you. I’m so glad that you came on here to talk about this and to just like, show up where you are and be open and vulnerable and talk about your journey, because I think this will help a lot of women. I think so many women are right where you are today.
Speaker 2 (28:29):
I hope so. Yeah. That’s, that’s why I came on and it was great meeting you, Suzanne. Yeah. Um, this has been fun,
Speaker 1 (28:34):
<laugh>. Good. Well thank you Carrie. Let’s go for a run. Yeah, man. <laugh>. Yeah
Speaker 2 (28:39):
Man. Let’s do it.
Speaker 1 (28:40):
Yeah. Okay. Thank you. Bye Bye. Thank you so much for listening to this episode of The Sober Mom Life. If you loved it, please rate and review it wherever you listen. Five stars is amazing. Also, follow me on Instagram at the sober mom life. Okay. I’ll see you next week. I’m gonna go reheat my coffee. Bye.
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