Hi, sweet friends! I have a very exciting announcement! My brother and I have been wanting to do a podcast together for quite awhile, but we just couldn’t come up with the right topic to share. (Ie. when Jay said that we should do a podcast about nothing, a la Seinfeld.)
A few weeks ago, it finally came to us. I was telling him about the Johnny Depp trial, and he said our podcast premise should be me teaching him about pop culture.
That’s obvs hilarious because it would mean me doing all of the work/research while he sits back and gets to be funny. So, I thought he could teach me about politics, since he’s an expert.
We had our idea.
We called it Brand New Information as a nod to Phoebe yelling: “That is BRAND NEW INFORMATION!” to Ross when he disclosed that he and Rachel were having a baby. Friends forever.
If you love pop culture or politics or would like to be in the know on both, follow along!
We will release a new episode each week and our first episode dropped last night, The Court of Public Opinion. I cover the Johnny Depp v. Amber Heard trial and Jay explains all about the SCOTUS Roe v. Wade draft leak that happened this week…
You can listen to it anywhere you find your favorite podcasts…

The One With the 2024 Election – Brand New Information
If you enjoyed the episode, please consider rating the show and leaving us a review! That helps little podcasts like ours get more listeners and ensures we get to continue to make more episodes! We truly appreciate your support.
And if you have any suggestions for pop culture/political topics for us to cover in future episodes, leave them in the comments below! We can’t wait to make the next episode….