Happy Friday, sweet friends!
Today’s post is a little bit different and not one I had planned on. Here’s the quick backstory:
I was rambling on and on over on my Instagram Stories (natch), and mentioned that so far, 3 weeks in, the transition from 2 to 3 kids has been easier than the transition from 1 to 2 kids was. I wanted to know how the mama tribe felt, so I created a poll…
The results were clear: most of you felt the same way I did. So, I shared those results, trying to ease the fears of mamas who are expecting their 3rd babies.
Well, I received a handful of messages from mamas who are expecting their 2nd babies. They all said the same thing: Now, seeing these results, they were scared.
DAMN! That was SO not my intention.
So, I went back to my mama tribe and asked for your best tips and tricks for transitioning from 1 to 2 kids. And THANK YOU, you guys totally delivered.
The overall theme: keep your expectations low, give yourself grace and IT GETS BETTER.
If you know a mama who is pregnant with her second baby, send this to her!
Thanks, sweet mama tribe.
(PS – Expecting your FIRST babe and looking for tips? I shared them in this post!)
Have low expectations. Have help. Don’t be afraid of extra TV time. Know that it will get better.
Even if it sounds scary, get out of the house with both kids. It will make you feel better.
Pack the diaper bag the night before. You’ll get out the door much faster!
Have a special box of toys or activities (for your oldest) for when you are nursing or feeding the baby.
Be sure to INVOLVE the first kiddo in the “new” transitions + activities in caring for baby!
Get baby 1 on a good bedtime routine that is less than 10 mins. No rocking to sleep!
Understand it’s not going to be easy, but try to enjoy the transition. Loved my Ergo carrier!
Try to bring some new activities in the home for the 1st so they feel special, too!
Don’t set expectations.
Low expectations of yourself.
Every night, prep everything for the next day, no matter how tired you are! It’s not that bad!
Keep expectations low. Just know it’s going to crazy for a bit and that’s OK!
Lower expectations of yourself and others…now lower them again. GRACE yourself.
Accept the help!
Don’t feel guilty about TV/screen time.
Accept help. Don’t worry about the little things. Sleep when you can. This too shall pass.
Hard, but sometimes you have to let 1 or both babies cry while you take a time out.
Give yourself lots of grace! Embrace the chaos that comes at first as you get to the new norm.
Have projects for your older one all ready to go in advance and take the help if people ask.
It’s a phase! If baby #1 has some extra screen time or doesn’t get their routine, oh well.
Delegate meal planning to spouse for the first 3-4 weeks.
Hire help. Eat the cookies even when you’re trying to lose the weight. Ease expectations.
It’s okay if #1 gets a little extra screen time, or eats chicken nuggets in a row!
It’s ok to make one wait. I feel like you panic and try to meet everyone’s needs at once.
Baby wearing! It gives you more flexibility when the baby wants to be held, but you need to help #1.
For me, having my babies 5 years apart was great. My daughter was old enough to help and loved it!
Try to make them nap at the same time, shower at same time and feed. It gets easier!
Be patient with yourself while you find your groove.
Take your oldest out on special one-on-one dates. That time is very precious for them.
Both kids will be crying at the same time. Take a moment to collect yourself. It’s OK!
Do something every day for your first born. It’s a transition for them, too.
Keep precut fruit and veggies ready to go and make plastic cups accessible for the oldest one.
The hardest thing for me was guilt! Just know that they will love each other so much!
Make sure you have a carrier or wrap that you like. Wearing your littlest one is so helpful!
Pre-make small activity packs like coloring pages and bubbles to pull out when you tend to baby.