Happy Saturday, sweet friends! It’s another Sweet Edit!
I’m up before the rest of the house, which means it’s going to be a good weekend. Although, I have a dentist appointment today, which if you know anything about me, you know that I’m terrified of the dentist. (There’s a back story there that I will share on Instagram Stories later today because it’s too much to type. Also, disclaimer: You might not want to hear it if you’re at all afraid of going to the dentist.)
Thank you for all of your support this week! I truly love all the comments and messages. YOU GUYS ROCK.
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Venus et Fleur sent me this gorgeous bouquet of roses THAT LAST A YEAR. WHAT. They smell amazing and now my office does, too. Yay.
I’ve been working on my girls’ playroom for the last month, and yes it’s taking me forever, but it’s coming along. I ordered this bookshelf for it and it’s awesome.
This table has been great for train-building, coloring and so many other fun things that I can’t think of right now because it’s so early.
We’ve been looking for a new bench for our entryway and I keep coming back to this one. I love, love, love it.

I just ordered this faux fur jacket and can’t wait for my best friend (the UPS driver) to deliver it. I’ll be sharing it on social media as soon as I get it!
This kitchen helper stool has made #momlife easier with my girl who wants to do everything on her own and “help” bake, but still can’t sit on a stool or stand on a chair at the counter.
You guys. I ordered this scooter for my girl and as soon as she gets the hang of it, I’m hoping she’ll love it. We have a bit of a steering issue currently. She keeps turning it to the right and ends up in the grass every 5 feet. She cries and I try my hardest not to laugh.
This cozy pullover is one of my favorite recent Amazon finds. I can’t stop wearing it.

If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram Stories, you know that I’ve been baking. Like, A LOT. There’s something about when the temps drop, it makes me want to bake all of the goodies. And now that my girls are into “helping,” it makes it all the more fun. Here’s what we’ve been baking…
Cheddar + Apple Oatmeal Raisin Cookies – They sound weird, but I promise: they’re AMAZING.
Next up? These 2 ingredient pumpkin cupcakes. FOR REAL.
Also, how AMAZING do these apple fries look?

Find more of the Sweet Edit series here!