Happy Wednesday, sweet friends! No, buying this blazer (sold out but linking a newer version) isn’t my one regret. That’s actually been a solid life decision, if I do say so myself. (And, I do.) I’ll talk about the blazer in a second, but first….
I can say that in my life, I have only one regret. I think that’s pretty good, considering I’ve been on this planet for more than 3 decades, don’t you?
Don’t get me wrong. I’ve screwed up a whole bunch of times. I’ve made bad decisions. I’ve acted poorly. I stayed in an unhealthy situation for way too long. I’ve waited too long to apologize. I’ve yelled too much. I’ve been stubborn and defensive.
And that was all before noon today. (Kidding. Except maybe about the yelling part.)
Overall, I don’t really believe in regrets. If I hadn’t stumbled my way through my life leading up to now, not only would I probably not have the life I have today, but I most likely wouldn’t appreciate it and feel grateful for it every single day.
Every. Single. Day.
But, I do have one regret in life. One thing that when I look back, I think… “Man. I really wish I wouldn’t have…”
So, what is it?
I majored in French in college. Not because I thought it would lead to my dream job, but because in 7th grade, I fell in love with it.
As a 13 year old, I got lost in the language. When life around me was confusing and fractured, I could dive into my French textbook and escape. Deconstructing sentences and putting them back together, conjugating verbs and working on my accent, I loved all of it. Then in college – studying art and history in French, and meeting people who loved it as much as I did.
So what’s my one regret?
My regret is that as I found my way in the real world, I fell out of love with the language. I let my passion dissolve.
I know I’ll fall in love with it again, when it’s time, and when I have more time. So for now, I’ll wear a cute tee that to the world is a cute saying, but to me means so much more.
OK, now let’s talk about more important things like THE most perfect blazer ever. I ordered this bad boy last month and I was skeptical. I’d tried on so many blazers that just didn’t work. I have broad shoulders and a narrow waist, so I can tend to look like I’m drowning in jackets if they don’t fit right.
After reading the reviews, I decided to give it a chance. I’m so glad I did, because I LOVE it. It’s super flattering and fits in all the right places. The secret? It’s got a little bit of stretch, so it’s not at all constricting and SO comfortable.
Alright, that’s it for today. Time for the coffee. Thank you for stopping by!
Oh, and tell me: do you have a regret in your life??
(This post contains affiliated links.)

See how I style one blazer eight ways here!
That’s so awesome that you love French. I tried to sign up for French as a 13 year old, only difference was, not enough people signed up and the class got cancelled. Boo! Love this outfit! Perfect.
Hi Suzanne, I an the same shape as you: my shoulders are a size broader than the rest of me, which makes it very hard to find well fitting blazers. This one looks great on you. I was just wondering about the sizing. I usually have to go one size up because of my shoulders. Should I do that here too? Or is it a broader cut? Which size is yours? Best regards
Anette, Norway
Hi Anette! Thanks for stopping by! I am wearing my normal size 2. The material has a bit of stretch, so it fits my shoulders perfectly. I hope this helps! xo