Wait. Are we sure? Is it truly time for the 7 month update already? Because I can’t quite wrap my mind (or heart) around it.
Time has flown, but we have done our best to fill this last month with a whole lot of summer fun. Baby girl loves swinging on the swings at the park, putting her tootsies in the sand at the beach and watching her big sister do pretty much anything.
OK. Can we talk baby books for a second? (Good, because a second is all it’ll take. Since I haven’t done a baby book yet. For Harper.) You guys. Talk about mom guilt. Neither of my girls has a baby book. PLEASE. Tell me I’m not alone. I mean…who has the time??? Or the organizational skills? (And if you do…can I hire you?)
I used to keep little notes in my phone about funny things that H said throughout the day, or anecdotes of the little stuff. Still, I wanted something written down, technology being so reliable and all.
I recently ordered this book for mamas, and it’s such a cute idea! I was keeping it on my nightstand so I wouldn’t forgot to write something, but then I was finding it difficult to remember what I wanted to write for the day. (The struggle.) So now, I have it in my office so I can quickly capture the moment and jot it down. Will I be able to keep it up for 5 years? I meeeeean….my intentions are good.
Also, I just discovered this brand of baby clothes and I pretty much want to order ALL OF IT. So, so cute and at such a great price point. (Because I refuse to break the bank on clothes that my girl is going to spit up on and poop in and outgrow in 5.3 minutes.)
Thanks for stopping by, friends!

floral bodysuit | monthly milestone blanket

my top (only $12!) | denim | sandals
(This post contains affiliated links.)
Well, we’ve made it 7 months and we’re still going. Honestly, I’m not loving it so much anymore. She is SO distracted and only stays latched if she’s super sleepy or if it’s in the middle of the night. Gone are the days I can breastfeed her anywhere. Even at home, we have to be in her nursery, away from any noise or chaos (i.e. the toddler tornado). I’d like to make it to a year…but, we will see.
This girl can eat. I’m pretty sure if I would let her, she would want to eat food and forget the boob all together. She’s constantly grabbing for whatever I’m eating or drinking. We’re playing around with big pieces of soft foods. So far, she’s loved bananas, avocado, carrots and sweet potatoes.
One HUGE change from when H was this age is the whole peanut butter thing. My Ped gave us the OK to introduce it, and it felt SO weird giving it to her! She loves it, and so far, so good. I’m not giving it to her too often, but will sometimes let her have some of mine.
Ugh. I know I’ve been promising a blog post all about sleep training this time around, and it’s coming. I think. Remember when I sleep trained H? Yeah, it was good. It worked. It was “easy”. This time, it’s totally different. She is SO unpredictable when it comes to sleep. We will have 2-3 good nights (up around 1 am to nurse and then up for good around 730 am), and then the next night she will have a super early wake up, at like 9 pm. Ummmm…what?? And it doesn’t work to let her cry. She wants to nurse. So, I nurse her. And then she will sleep her long stretch. I just keep reminding myself that it’s all a stage, and she will sleep through the night, at some point. I hope.
Our routine is very similar to last month’s. She is still taking a catnap around 4 pm, but now I keep her up until 630 pm.
Baby girl is about 3 minutes away from crawling, and I’m not ready! She has mastered rolling, and totally uses it as a form of transportation. But, she really wants to crawl. She planks and it’s the funniest thing ever. And then she gets on all fours and rocks back and forth. You guys. It’s close. Eeeek! She’s sitting up, but is still kind of wobbly. One of her new favorite things to do is to sit up in her bath and splash. It’s the cutest thing in the whole world.
Find more baby girl updates here!